Saturday, July 30, 2011

Touch of Gold

“A Touch of Gold”

Art Exhibition at The Women’s City Club of Pasadena.  Here are 5 of mine in this show.  Can you smell the gold of autumn in the air?

"An Autumn Path to Climb"
36 x 24 oil $995.00

"First Snows of Fall and Cottonwoods"
20 x 16 oil $875.00

"First Snows of Fall and Sycamores"
14 x 11 oil $625.00

"Mustard Gold in Valley Foothills"
14 x 11 oil $625.00

"Touch of Chardonnay"
14 x 11 oil $625.00
The Women’s City Club of Pasadena at the historic Blinn House is pleased to announce its fall art exhibition, “A Touch of Gold.” The exhibition, which runs from August 1 through October 31, 2011, features fifty six paintings by eighteen California-based artists. It will be the second exhibition produced by Margaret Danielak, the Women’s City Club of Pasadena’s Curator of Exhibitions. The artists’ reception is Thursday, August 11 from 6 pm to 9 pm.  Come see my paintings in this exhibition.

Gardening in Art

Gardening in art is like art in gardening: full of color and fragrance.  When Karen Nichols, curator of La Galeria Gitana asked for rural scenes in an urban setting, I sought the community garden patches as a source for the return to our farming roots.

"The Garden Gate"
14 x 11 oil $450.00

"Come Sit in My Garden" 
 14 x 11 oil $450.00

"Pumpkins in My Garden"
14 x 11 oil $450.00

"Rooster in My Garden"
10 x 10 oil $350.00

"Tomatoes in My Garden"
10 x 10 oil $350.00