Saturday, January 15, 2011

Germany in the Winter, Arm Chair Adventures

Rothenburg, 11 x 14 oil, $295.00

Regensburg, 16 x 20 oil, $595.00   SOLD
Be an armchair traveler..come with me to Germany where I painted in ancient Medieval Cities like Rothenburg. I traveled from my riverboat on the Danube to walk the walls of this city, where you can catch the icy sun burning through the sky over the cathedral.    In Regensburg, perhaps the best preserved Medieval city of Germany, I slogged in deep snow across this rock bridge over the Danube.  Crusaders crossed on this same bridge after it was built in 1146 and called it "a wonder of the world."  My palette knife catches the misty winter light of these romantic places.

Remember, my original oil paintings are availble for shipping.  Just contact me at